I have to admit that baking is not my strong point! However it's fairly difficult to find organic products, so I quite often make my own. It usually ends up cheaper as well. These old skool cake squares were baked for my Dad during his recent visit to the UK. If you want to serve them with pink custard, try gently poaching some foraged brambles/ blackberries in a tiny splash of water, strain, then add the liquid to your custard. I often use this muffin style recipe with melted butter, rather than spending lots of time creaming the butter and sugar. It works every time! The jam was a gift from a student, so not 100% organic, although they did use some loganberries that they had foraged, which is as good as organic, so amazing!
Makes two medium sized portions with spare edges as a cheeky treat! Just multiply the amounts for more.
75g flour, sugar, melted butter. 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1 egg.
1 tbsp any jam. 3 tsp dessicated coconut.
How to. Mix the flour, sugar, butter, baking powder and egg in a bowl. Place in a small loaf tin lined with baking paper. Bake for about 20 mins until soft and light. Leave for about 10 mins.
Stir the jam really well with a teaspoon so it's smooth. Spread over the cake. Sprinkle with coconut. Slice the edges off with a sharp knife, then cut into squares. Serve on its own or with pink custard - see above! Enjoy.